So we think we have found a replacement for our 6th member. I'm getting toey I want to play a massive show and dance about like a twat. I know we have to practise and get good and shiz but I really don't mind if we are less good and I get to prance about again. I'm thinking its going to be amazing. We are going to have 4 girls again on NYE like old times. Jade is coming back for the show which means there's some massive synchro dancing to be had. Massive 4 times massive.
Anyway I've been googling again and I've decided that I just love before and afters. Arnold is pretty good. I just rewatched Total Recall again. You should do that too. I was actually disturbed by how violent it was. I never remembered. I'm thinking I watched some edited tv version. I wish I hadn't seen all that violence. So violent. So much willy kicking and stabbing. Owwww. Also there's a scene where arnold gets all sexual with his wife...its really offensive for some reason. Arnie is not meant to be put into a sexual framework. He would just destroy you and your feefee. disturbing.
Laurie is mixing the Girlfunkle stuff on Monday.exciting! I tried to drop as much trance into it as possible. It turns out. Its not possible at all. Laurie will not let me mess up my serious music project with raving trance. Poos to the world. Poos to artistic integrity
I plan on releasing the raving trance version of "Passive" really soon though and I'll post it.

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