So, in my quest to re-live the life of Alice cooper I have come to the conclusion that I need to snaz myself up a little bit. I need to make myself as attractive as possible. (I know Alice was obessed with his appearance. He was nearly always shot with a lot of makeup on-deny.) I put some make-up on - still not really a babe. Couldn't really figure out why. Perhaps its my dark bogan past and my love for tight black jeans. No Alice had all this too but still in babe town. I came to the conclusion it was that my teeth were just not right. I think, in fact, they are too small for my head. Deny 300words. I'm thinking they need to be just a little bigger. as in the picture. Number 1 is way hot. (As is number 1 and the number one) If you send me a photo of you I will show you that big teeth are actually attractive....(manicbeatle@yahoo.co.uk)
Today I can live with living in the world of a minger, I'm recording with my folk project Simone and Girlfunkle today which means only 2 people will see me all day both of whom have seen me at my worst. Ben Golby and Laurie McCallum = best dudes (adequate sized teeth - discuss 200words)Golby saw me when I had a flea bite and Laurie saw me blind drunk dancing the meerkat at Mint to YMCA by the village people. I am lucky to have amazing friends who are super talented at sound engineering and playing the piano (and will still help you out after seeing you at your worst)
So I lost my capo machine and hunted everywhere. When I found it, it was sitting with a message for me. (pictured

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