So today I did a google search for "grannies"
My oh my. Don't do that!! There were some worrying displays.
this one was good though...A floating granny. She's pretty happy.

We have our first show with our new member next week. Its a totally secret event and I'm so excited.Its going to be pumping!
Here is the best results from a google search of the word "pumping" I assure you... The gig will rival all these pumps. Especially breast pump. Sheesh...why would you breast pump your shiz at work??

I'm having boysx3 stagetime withdrawals all the time now. We haven't played since the Northbridge festival/Van She and man that seems like a lifetime ago. What do normal people look forward to if not public humiliation in the form of a million pelvic thrusts whilst singing "Get your babe on?" What is life all about if not floating like that granny on a high of cheap wine and synchro crumping in a room full of complete strangers and the odd old friend who makes the treck down to your secret midweek locale for a slight pump.